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Principal Shows Way



Help teachers to assume responsibility for their own professional development, based on an analysis of the needs of students in their own schools. Professional development goals, standards for student learning, and standards for professional practice should be decided locally by the school community of teachers, administrators, and parents. In addition, teachers and administrators should collaborate in each district to create peer assistance and review to nurture the practice of all teachers.

One clear- finding of points in a hopeful direction - helping young people to learn is the central goal of both those who enter the teaching profession and those who are working to reform public education.

Therefore, new directions in participatory school improvement, comprehensive and meaningful staff development, and supportive teacher evaluation hold great promise for improving teachers’ professional motivation.Find the time to build professional development into the life of schools. Reorganize the school day to enable teachers to work together as well as individually, both daily and weekly, and throughout the year. Redefine the teaching job to include blocks of extended time for teachers’ professional development.

Help teachers to assume responsibility for their own professional development, based on an analysis of the needs of students in their own schools. Professional development goals, standards for student learning, and standards for professional practice should be decided locally by the school community of teachers, administrators, and parents. In addition, teachers and administrators should collaborate in each district to create peer assistance and review to nurture the practice of all teachers.

Work with the community to provide high-quality professional development. At the local level, parents, business, and the community should continue to help schools set the vision for students’ success and support teachers’ learning. Teachers’ organizations should collaborate with districts to invite local leaders to join in conducting an inventory of available local resources and institutions for teachers’ professional growth, including higher education, business, cultural groups, and other relevant agencies.

Emphasize the function of teacher evaluation to seek out, document, and acknowledge the good teaching that already exists. Place the teacher at the center of the evaluation activity. Ask the teacher to consider his or her duties, responsibilities, contributions and outcomes, and direct the evaluation. Use multiple and variable sources, such as student and parent surveys, peer review of materials, logs of professional activity, and pupil test-score data. Use the results of a teacher evaluation to encourage personal professional dossiers, publicize aggregated results, and support teacher promotion systems

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